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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Silverscreen Couples:Minting money not love..!!

Sometimes its intersting to find out that Stars use their relationships for making money. Recently an Article in a prominent newspaper talked about how much a particular hit bollywood couple was worth and the amount added up to a couple of million dollars (can you beat that..!), in the west Brad Pitt and Angelena Jolie are another such top grossing couple, it seems that everything even love is these days ruled by the moolah..!

The good , bad or ugly part is that money does make the world go around.Tha pairing is all about fetching Ads and getting endorsments...the question is, is that a real relatioship ?but then as they say, 'It all in the game'...masses enjoy the fact that the pair they read , cherish and like are together, be it Kajol or Ajay Devgun, Kareen or Saif, Abhishek or Ashwarya...it all makes sense when it comes to big bucks..so Ad Gurus..Rock!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Honour Killing: A matter of shame for the nation

Apparently to love someone is a crime these days, thanks to the rising cases of honour killing. We talk about living in the 21st Century. We are the so called, edcated, modren, smart and forward looking people who belong to the new generation. Or is it so?? its sorry to see a jouralist been brutely killed by her family for wanting to marry a perfectly nice and well settled person, just because he wasnt of her community.

Cast divides, were created thousands of years ago, but what hits us in the face is that the divide exists clearly today. Leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Mahantma Gandhi, and not to forget the first one to start the strugggle agains social evils 'Raja Ram Mohan Roy' would have greeved on the current situation we are witnessing.

A lot of hue and cry is made about the issue, a rule has to be passed etc etc, but where does the buck stop? is it ending there, or should the society also contribute in stopping this menance.Panchayats which are our roots, the base of the rural society should stop this atrocity.

Love is not a crime, its a gift of god given to man, lets all stand together for Love mairrage, let the people choose their life partners, atlest we shall stop complaining about increasing divorce cases, and lets not forget all our princesses and godesses did choose their life partners too, if we can promote a Silly Swayambar on Telecom then why cant we stand for true love in real life???!!!

Dr Manmohan Singh: A legend

It makes me proud and extremely happy to note that our PM DR Manmohan Singh,has been voted as the top ten most loved politician by all the politicians in a TIMES Magazine survey. Hats off to the great Man, he truly stands as an intellectual in every way. Being criticized as the yes man, looked upon as a weak leader by the opposition, Dr. Singh, outnumbered the odds.

We have had PM's in past , they came in all shapes and sizes, right from the amazing Pandit Nehru, to the great Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, the dynamic Mrs Indira Gandhi, to the visionary VP Singh, not to forget the forward looking Rajiv Gandhi to the non-biast Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, yet there has always been something Special about Dr Singh, an honest Man who loves his country.

He has proven time and again, that he is made of solid metal. From 1990's till date he has broadened the horizons of India, have taken our country to the next level (quite literally).Its not he party he is supporting or the leader he follows that makes his great, in fact , its the gift of humility and intelligence that makes this great man a Legend !!!

Three cheers for you Sir...god bless you always and forever..!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The panic on commonwealth

Interesting is the fact that , CWG (Commonweatlh Games) are turning out to be scary for Delhites and the government at the same time. Delays are taking a toll on the government's programme related to CWG.

Who is to be blamed? is that question, though , the answer is neither easy nor straight. Come to think of it, either it is the contractors who are delaying , or it is the red tapism which isn't letting the government finish the work in time, or is it the weather??!!!!

There are too many complaints and too many problems to be managed at the same time. It seems the problem lies in mismanagement by the authorities and panicking is not the right way to solve the problem. Something should be done and soon, for the countdown has begun...the clock is ticking and CWG is just around the corner...!!

Should Media stop complaining

Its rather intersting, and at times monotonous to note that media has a problem with everything and anything. Its sad when on the eve of Inependence day the best thing we can talk about on media is bad weather, poor roads, wrong administration of the local areas in delhi. The point is , that all this has to be talked about (after all it is media's job to safeguard the interst of the common people) but then there are certain days, that demand certain attention.

Our national Hero's wernt talked about, there were no documentaries shown on their contribution towards India's freedome, worst all the commercial movie channels hardly showed a single movie on partioritsm or freedome struggle..!!!

This was appauling to me, it is extremely depressing to witness that all that was shown was absolutley not related to our culture, heritage, values, country, independence, partiotism.

When would we stop complaining ??!!...it is high time that we should start counting our blessing, start taking pride in the fact that our stock market is booming, that india is becoming a global leader, that Delhi looks absolutely stunning as compared to its past, that today youth has the ability and power to speak their mind loudly , clearly, that freedom to us is not limited to wearing denim jeans and eating ice-creams, that youth leaders are creating a ripple in our democracy...

Lets love our country a little more...JAI HIND..!!