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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dr Manmohan Singh: A legend

It makes me proud and extremely happy to note that our PM DR Manmohan Singh,has been voted as the top ten most loved politician by all the politicians in a TIMES Magazine survey. Hats off to the great Man, he truly stands as an intellectual in every way. Being criticized as the yes man, looked upon as a weak leader by the opposition, Dr. Singh, outnumbered the odds.

We have had PM's in past , they came in all shapes and sizes, right from the amazing Pandit Nehru, to the great Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, the dynamic Mrs Indira Gandhi, to the visionary VP Singh, not to forget the forward looking Rajiv Gandhi to the non-biast Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, yet there has always been something Special about Dr Singh, an honest Man who loves his country.

He has proven time and again, that he is made of solid metal. From 1990's till date he has broadened the horizons of India, have taken our country to the next level (quite literally).Its not he party he is supporting or the leader he follows that makes his great, in fact , its the gift of humility and intelligence that makes this great man a Legend !!!

Three cheers for you Sir...god bless you always and forever..!

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