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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Once a Teacher, always a Teacher

Celebrated as the Birthday of the Great Dr.Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan...Teachers day brings back to me memories of my favourite teacher, I cherish my teacher's , respect and honour them deeply, and somewhere i owe my success to them to a great extent...

I still remember the smile on my teacher's face , in school, when i handed over a handmade card to her, stating Happy teacher's Day...tears rolled down her smiling face, it wasn't a great gift but was a small gesture that reminded her of how special she was for me..!Today when my students give me cards and flowers I could feel the same warmth and understand how does it feel to be loved (in a very true and purest of forms)..!!

I rubbish the statement that students don't honour their teacher anymore, and I stand strongly against this since my students prove it wrong every year, by doing something absolutely amazing..(as they organised this grand event for me)...the feeling is heart warming, its these occasions when you smile to yourself and be happy about the fact that you chose to be a Teacher out of every other profession in this world..!

Being a teacher is not just a matter of pride, its the most beautiful gift of God to all those who get the title of TEACHER (in bold letters, this time..!!)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Monsoon: Diseases all around the place

Comes the monsoon season , along with it there is no dirth of problems associated with it. Its amazing to note why Delhi can never enjoy a good monsoon, as the case was this year????

The roads are devastated (thanks to the potholes which get created within a week after the arrival of monsoons), the seepage which is a big problem with almost all building be it government or private, the maddening jam (which is a daily phenomenon during monsoons), the crazy blockade caused by water logging, the diseases like eye flue, Dengue, Malaria, Vial fever etc to name a few a side effect of rainy season are just a few problems Delhities encounter because of Rains.

But then, no gain without pain, the water levels had enormously gone down, thanks to the rains, some relief is felt this year. Also the Yamuna is again full of water and Delhihites are rejoicing the wet showers as usual. Technically its the end of monsoons but is it so, for a lot of work (thanks to CMG), a lot of Mess (bad roads) and humidity are just a few more tremors we have to encounter, rest will be history.