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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine : Truth or Ilussion

With the most popular commercial love day around the corner the whole world coos, LOVEEEE IN the AIR...the classic question stand out again...does love need a single day for expression? there are many arguments on the same, but then one has to understand and appreciate the fact that a day if dedicated to love stands no harm for anyone at all.

Why shouldn't a day be given to the one who matters the most to you , you might live and Love the one who is closest to your heart, but what is wrong in celebrating a day like a Birth day ( a day when you make the other feel special , make them realize that they coming to this world is a blessing for all)??? .

We only criticize, we only analyse, we only abhor, but we seldom cherish, relish or enjoy...so lets make an excuse to fall in love with love all over again

cheers to everyone, and the spirit of love this valentine's day

god bless all

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